
Is anyone still following this blog? Stamp a gold star on your forehead if the answer is, “yes” – you’ve got moxy. I haven’t completely abandoned this blog because… well… Hell… I don’t know. I actually come in here every now and then just to have a look around. I’ve even, once or twice, thought about writing a post just for shits and giggles… but the urge leaves me about as quickly and unexpectedly as it arrives.

Why now?

I don’t know, really. I just deactivated my Facebook account and deleted my Twitter account – I had enough… No good ever really came from those accounts; not that anything horrifying ever happened, but I often found myself unsatisfied and even a little sad after spending time on either of those platforms. The last four years haven’t done much to foster any warm feelings towards social networking in general, and Facebook and Twitter in particular. They have blood on their hands; I feel confident in saying that, and I want no part of that… Well, okay… Some part. I still have and use my Instagram account which is a Facebook product, and I still use Messenger (although I really wish I didn’t have to). I’ve been very cautious about how I’ve curated my Instagram account so I’m okay with that one; it’s all art, and games, and guitars, and fun… no politics, no “news”, no invective, no vituperation, no vitriol.

It will eventually go though. My plan is to eventually break from all social networks, but I still want a place where I can fire off some kind of update or share a funny, or a cat picture, or something… so that’s probably going to be this blog. No promises. It could be years before I come back in here an write anything else… or perhaps sooner. I don’t know yet… We’ll see. If I have something important I feel needs to shared out, I’ll do it. Otherwise, cat pictures… and maybe album recommendations. Maybe. Again: no promises.

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